Note from the Author
Dear Reader
This is my third book from the series: “The Physics of My Imaginary Spacetime”
(in Polish: Fizyka Mojej Urojonej Czasoprzestrzeni).
To emphasize that this is a continuation of subjects from my previous books,
the layout format (different than typical) remains also the same as before.
The advantages of this non-typical layout are described on the cover as in my previous books:
„Fizyka Mojej Urojonej Czasoprzestrzeni”, ISBN-978-83-921213-5-0 and
„Fizyka 2 Mojej Urojonej Czasoprzestrzeni”, ISBN-978-83-926856-0-9.
We refer to them in this book as “Fizyka 1” or “Fizyka 2” respectively.
We will refer to “Fizyka 3”, “Fizyka 4” etc. in future publications – if they are created…
Initially, this book supposed to be dedicated to some other interesting problems I was working on at the time.
I noticed however, during discussions related to problems described in my previous books
that understanding of Maxwell’s equations and their solutions has been halted in unfortunate stage.
Despite a criticism (e.g. Feynman’s textbook) the available publications presented incomplete solutions
which were accepted as final.
Consequently, Maxwell’s equations are considered as very difficult subject,
thus allowing for broadcasting of incorrect interpretations which makes the subject even more difficult to understand.
I have decided in this book to eliminate some superfluous and sometimes erroneous interpretations
in order to demonstrate that Maxwell’s equations can be easily understood.
Perhaps this can be an inspiration for someone to deepen and broaden his/her mathematical knowledge.
The idea of my books (series of “Fizyka” - “Physics”) is to present new, unknown or little-known subjects.
In order to diversify book’s contents, I included also a supplement “The mathematical problems and other issues”.
This supplement includes a short and simple proof of “Last Fermat’s Theorem”,
the origination of inertia mass and equation „E=mc2 ” as well as explanation
why in the first and last quarter the Moon does not “look” at the Sun.
I also want to emphasize (as already stated in my forewords in previous books)
that my books do not deny any existing nor introduce new hypothesis and they are a result of author’s own studies.
Finally, I would like to ask my readers to forgive me for any possible errors.
They are being corrected in errata published electronically.
As mentioned in my previous books - contrary to typical publications where authors acknowledge numerous staff
who helped with preparation and edition, I had to deal with all issues by myself with some help from small group
of my gratuitous supporters. I want to express my deep thanks to them and hope they will feel real satisfaction one day.
It was not my intention to tackle these problems only by myself, but this resulted from a lack of interest
of persons who should be really interested.
Author-Henryk Dot