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★  HenrykDot.com   ★
is the online companion to a series of books published by AIUT under the common main title
"Physics of My Imaginary Space-Time" by Henryk Dot.

last update

Physics 3 - Maxwell
Note from the Author
Table of Contents
What is this book
Historical facts
New aspects
Fully erroneous
Incorrectly interpreted

Physics 3 - Chapter 1
Complex vectors form
The Most General form
The General Solution

Physics 3 - Chapter 2
Initial conditions
Non-homogeneous equation
Solution for three-directions
The four laws

Physics 3 - Supplement
Fermat's proof
Beal's conjecture
Pythagorean triples
Inertial mass
Gravity constans big G
What does the Moon look at?

Physics 3 - Final notes
Final notes

Physics 4 - New book

Contact email: henryk.dot(at)aiut.com
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Books published by AIUT
are found in libraries according to the list of compulsory copies.

Second Edition of "Fizyka 3"
ISBN 978-83-926856-1-6
can be bought in Warsaw
in the Academic Bookstore
PW Publishing House
Noakowskiego street 18/20

and in Katowice
in the bookstore "Liber"
Bankowa street 11.
(area of Silesian University)

English edition of "Physics"
ISBN 978-83-926856-2-3
is also in libraries
and the distribution method should be asked wydawca@aiut.com.

1.4.  Application of complex notation allows for
          the most general form of equations

     Since we already know the principle and reasoning of applying complex variables
to fields E and B we can apply a and b coefficients from formulas (1.23) i (1.24)
to all equations (1.6 – 1.9).
We assume the coefficients wr23c and b=i which results for sum of (1.6) and (1.7) in: wr27p.
For (1.8) i (1.9), we divide first (1.9) by c2
wr27. (1.27)
The sum of (1.8) with coefficient wr23c and (1.27) with coefficient i is equal to:
wr28a ,
wr28. (1.28)
     We can see that by using the same coefficients wr23c and b=i, which were used in (1.24) for wr24a , following complex variables can be created for general sources:
wr29 (1.29)
wr30 (1.30)
and consequently, we can express Maxwell’s equations in shorter form:
wr31, (1.31)
wr32. (1.32)
     We have assigned the subscript t to variable J  t   thus designating variable  J   
without a subscript for even more general expression by introducing time variable τ=c∙t, therefore (1.32) can be written as:
wr , where wr33a (1.33)
This equation together with (1.31) present the shortest form of Maxwell’s equations and reduces sizes of resulting equations in subsequent operations. .

1.5.  Even More General Notation of Equations

      It seems like, there is no simpler notation of Maxwell’s equation than shown in (1.33). Perhaps simpler notation does not exist but further generalization is possible due to two possible versions of equations (similarly to 1.25 and 1.26) for two (left or right handed) coordinate systems.
Therefore, equation below
wr34 (1.34)
represents Maxwell’s equations as well, so both versions, (1.33) and (1.34) should be always presented.
      However, both versions can be written in one equation when we square both sides of equations which yields: wr34a , therefore
wr35 (1.35)
      This is interesting expression, and perhaps can inspire some philosophical reflections on the essence of Maxwell’s equations.
     It can be noted that wr35a represents static, whilewr35b dynamic phenomena.
      Expression (1.35) includes both possible versions (1.33) and (1.34) thus represents the highest degree of generalization.
     It should be remembered that variable  P    for (1.33) is expressed by wr24a , while for (1.34) is expressed by wr24b .
      In search for solutions of Maxwell’s equations it is sufficient to consider only one of the versions. Therefore, in later chapters we will deal only with version (1.33).

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