budynek aiut AIUT sp. z o. o.
★  HenrykDot.com   ★
is the online companion to a series of books published by AIUT under the common main title
"Physics of My Imaginary Space-Time" by Henryk Dot.

last update

Physics 3 - Maxwell
Note from the Author
Table of Contents
What is this book
Historical facts
New aspects
Fully erroneous
Incorrectly interpreted

Physics 3 - Chapter 1
Complex vectors form
The Most General form
The General Solution

Physics 3 - Chapter 2
Initial conditions
Non-homogeneous equation
Solution for three-directions
The four laws

Physics 3 - Supplement
Fermat's proof
Beal's conjecture
Pythagorean triples
Inertial mass
Gravity constans big G
What does the Moon look at?

Physics 3 - Final notes
Final notes

Physics 4 - New book

Contact email: henryk.dot(at)aiut.com
"Subject" should begin with
a digit corresponding to the day
of the week., e.g. Sunday=7

Books published by AIUT
are found in libraries according to the list of compulsory copies.

Second Edition of "Fizyka 3"
ISBN 978-83-926856-1-6
can be bought in Warsaw
in the Academic Bookstore
PW Publishing House
Noakowskiego street 18/20

and in Katowice
in the bookstore "Liber"
Bankowa street 11.
(area of Silesian University)

English edition of "Physics"
ISBN 978-83-926856-2-3
is also in libraries
and the distribution method should be asked wydawca@aiut.com.

3.2. The origin of inertial mass and equation E = mc2

In order to explain inertial mass effect, let’s consider a wave having momentum pf, and “trapped” in a selected direction in a segment which length is equal L. We will consider behavior of this wave when our segment L travels in the same direction at a velocity = v.
The time required for this wave to travel through whole segment L at the speed of light in the same direction of velocity v is equal to:
For the direction opposite to velocity v the time needed is:
Total travel time through segment L in both directions is equal to:
The wave traveling in a direction opposite to v has a momentum opposite to a momentum of the wave traveling in a direction of v. We can then calculate the average momentum based on the respective times of travel:

Taking the definition of a momentum  p=mass‧ velocity=m‧ v , we can see that inertial mass  mi  is expressed as momentum   pf   of “trapped” wave divided by speed of light c.
Consequently, an energy contained in a wave is equal to: E=pf ‧ c  thus
we obtain  E=mi‧ c2 .

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